Monday 11 June 2012

Five Pieces of Advice for your Company's Custom Web Design

Your online customer may be the type of customer that's most challenging to sell to. Why? Because you're not physically there where he is for you to explain why he should buy from you. Sure, it gets rid of the awkward feeling you get when dealing with the cold market face to face but at least you'll be physically there to defend your company if your customer questions your products.
On the other hand, your online customers only have your custom web design to look at. The communication is one way - no real time feedback from your customers. Knowing this, you have to make sure your company's custom web design will answer their questions even before they ask.
Make it easy for your customers to find what they need in the fastest, most convenient way possible on your custom web design. The following advice will help you get there:
1. Inspiration: A Prerequisite
How strong do you believe in your product? You better hope you can answer this question with the most enthusiasm you can muster.
Believe in your company, have faith in your products, deliver your service with dignity and if there's room for improvement, find a way to fill that room up. If you can find a way to make these reflect on your custom web design, all the better.
Inspiration is most important when you start conceptualizing your custom web design. Your mindset alone can make a whole lot of difference when you list down the things you want to let your customers know about your company and present it on your custom website design.
You do stuff your turkey first before you put in it the oven, right? This same sequence applies in custom web design too. You have to get the gist of what you do before you can effectively tell the public about it. This makes your company's message on your custom web design all the more flavorful.
2. On Paper before It's On Screen
Now that you have your inspiration, I'm sure you're excited to get started in making your custom web design. To do just that, you can get to work on your custom web design - with a pen and paper.
With technology so easily accessible and the tools installed in your computer so promising with custom web design excellence, it's easy to forget the basics. The reason why it's better to manually draw your design on paper before you plot it to your custom web design on screen is because your hands are not limited to computer functions. Drawing by hand, you can arrange the pictures, text, company logo, banners, buttons, and links with the highest level of freedom.
Your computer has calculated the exact number of different ways you can arrange the elements on your custom web design. Fortunately however, your human ability to draw is not limited by that number so you can have more options this way. Remember, you learned to write with a pen before you could type on your keyboard so best exercise the same principle here too.
3. Harmony in Content and Imagery
From your drawing board, you can now put your custom web design on screen. Here is where you can extend artistry further by dressing up your custom web design. Make sure that it'll be appropriate for your company and the target market that you're aiming for.
Consider the color schemes, images and content you want to embed into your custom web design and make sure that there's balance. A lot of company websites fall short in this department making the online customer confused with the multitude of colors, text and extra images on the custom web design.
One major focal point per link will do while the other elements in your custom web design can support it. The focal point can catch your customer's attention indicating that this is the first portion to look at. The supporting elements in your custom web design can guide the customer's eye giving a sense of connection from one idea to another before proceeding to the next link.
Also, remember to maximize the use of images on your custom web design. Apart from being used to decorate the webpage, images should speak out to your customer online. Where the image ends, the content begins so the text on your custom web design should be fitting. Write like you're talking to your customer face to face. Online, there are limitations where you cannot put into words your facial expressions. In this case, squeeze in descriptive words but take into account that the most effective content is one that's the shortest.
Lastly, make room for customers to breathe on your custom web design. Perhaps it's not popularly recognized, but the importance of negative space on your custom web design can speak a lot about your company. Putting spaces enables the elements in your custom web design to be properly distanced from each other giving your customers time to digest the train of information you presented. This will make your custom web design more appealing.
4. Be Hyper-Organized
Yes, you're allowed to be obsessive about proper order in the structure of your custom web design. Rest assured, no one will judge you for it. In fact, the more organized the links are, the more understandable it will be. Here are some Do's and Dont's to make your custom web design efficient:
  • DO make sure that all the links are working before you launch your website. DON'T wait for your customer to tell you that a link is broken because most customers won't bother. Once launched, you can do a regular check on the links of your custom web design.
  • DON'T overload your main menu on the homepage. At most six items work best. However, DO include drop down sub menus that pop-out when the mouse pointer hovers over the link.
  • DO establish continuance which is an unbroken line of text and images that invites the viewer to move from the beginning to end of your custom web design. DON'T distract your customer with unnecessary inserts so you can present the full message more effectively.
  • DO make key information eye catching in your custom web design. DON'T frustrate your customer by hiding them deep in your website.
  • DON'T use elaborate font styles for the content in your custom web design. DO use an easy to read font style like Arial, Lucida Sans and Tahoma.
  • DO be meticulous with typographical errors and improper use of punctuations. DON'T allow your customers to be turned off with unprofessional text contents.
Once you've applied the above, your worst customer who is -- born disorganized, load time impatient, easily distracted, trigger happy with links and an avid blogger about bad websites visited -- should still find his way around your custom web design without getting lost.
5. The Extra Mile is a Road Least Travelled
Only few companies are willing to extend customer service to a higher level than usual but you can be sure that those few companies are among those who are most successful. On the other hand, unsuccessful companies have custom web designs resulting from setting mediocre goals. What was not taken into account is the potential exposure that the custom web design can do for the company. Your company should not fall trapped to this by taking advantage of custom web design in bringing customer service aimed at satisfying customers completely.
One way to do it is to test your custom web design by having someone impartial browse through it. You can get fresh un-compromised feedback and use those to improve your custom web design before it's launched. You can further improve your custom web design by making it still effectively viewable regardless of the browser used, the operating system running and the monitor's size. This means that your custom web design should be flexible enough that it will not discriminate the specifics of individual customers' computers.
Take note that human eyes are not radiation proof. Staring at the computer screen can only be tolerated to a certain extent and we wouldn't want site visitors to get to the point of eye strain. Just like grocery store customers who hate standing on a long line at the express checkout counter, your online customer doesn't want to be kept waiting while pages load on your custom web design. To remedy this, make important information easily accessible and present it in the most concise manner.
Custom web design is a powerful tool. It should be used to impress your online customers enough so they'll tell their friends about it. Consequently, it could work negatively for your company since it only takes one user to spread the word in the internet that your custom web design is badly created. That's bad press that you will have very little control of. It's best to play defense with custom web design. Present your company in the best light attainable. By playing safe, dealing with online customers will be so easy; it's like a walk in the internet park.

Why Businesses Are Embracing Custom Web Design Services

Many companies today are embracing the power of custom web design services to create their online presence. They are taking their traditional website, and through the use of effective web development are turning them into virtual masterpieces. You may be asking yourself, why? What is it about website design services that are so much better than the template method for creating websites?

Let's take a look at two reasons businesses are taking advantage of custom web design services: 

Customer Relations – This is very likely the biggest draw to using a web development company. By going this route businesses have the option of integrating social networking software. By creating a custom online community for their customers, businesses are not only able to gain valuable insight into their target market, but are able to provide almost instant customer services. Through messaging features and community forums a company can instantly react to any customer concerns or inquiries and head off any negative issues before they get out of hand. 

Visibility – Having a well built, well designed SEO friendly website is a great way to get a business noticed. Once the company has a great web design project launched it will generate buzz from initial visitors, those individuals will begin to spread the word to their extended networks. Nothing creates visibility, and credibility, faster than word of mouth. By having the ability to offer a vibrant and interactive website companies are able to make themselves known online with a comparably small amount of effort.

People from all walks of life are turning to the internet to research companies to do business with now more than ever. Businesses have always understood that in order to grow and be successful they need to be where their target market is. With a well executed web design project your company website can make itself the new place to be for your target market.

Top 5 Dos and Don’ts of Custom Web Design

There is no industry today that does not make use of website design technology. Some of the chief mediums include websites for businesses, online bank resources, entertainment, movie and sitcom promotions, news media, and personal promotions. A website design displays the best qualities and potential of the individual or business it represents.
While a poorly designed website can repel most visitors, a professional custom web design can open a world of prospects. Some of the major dos and don'ts of custom web design include the following:
1. The Scope of Custom Web Design
Do check the scope of the website you're designing. Keep the target o f your website clear in your mind so the most important elements stand out the most.
Don't design sites that are heavy with content and overcrowded with links. Keep it simple. Get to the point. A successful website is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
2. The Layout for Custom Web Design
Do design a website with specific requirements in mind. Use only necessary graphics or animations as the more you have on the site the longer it will take to download.
Don't think that it takes a lot of imagery or decoration to impress visitors. People want fast information and an easy way to buy the products they need. Extra images, sounds and animations are only a distraction.
3. The Compatibility of Custom Web Design
Do make sure that any functions included in your website are compatible with the current browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.
Don't upload your website to a server if it's not compatible with most browsers. Always check the authenticity of a server before uploading your work.
4. The Documentation of Custom Web Design
Do make sure that your website contains only relevant information that gets to the point and is easily understood. Using specific keywords not only keeps readers focused on the right topics, but it also helps with search engine optimization.
Don't fill your custom web design with useless links and irrelevant text as this will only divert a reader's attention from important topics. Make all of the information you provide simple and professional.
5. Safe and Secure Custom Web Design
Do make sure your website is safe from viruses and hackers. If your website handles sensitive information, such as credit card of social security numbers, it is absolutely crucial to make sure your website is guarded with the latest security protocol.
Don't share the security information of your website with anyone. Your main priority is to protect the sensitive information that your customers have given you in good confidence.

Choosing Cheap Website Design

There are many sites that offer to provide a potential customer with cheap website design. If you decide you do want your own website then you need to make a few decisions before you take that plunge. You can go with your own website or you can choose to go the route of a forum or message board. Then you have to decide if you want to try to create your own website where you will have to get a domain name and deal with web hosting or are you going to get cheap website design by a good website designer? Even if you choose to go the do it yourself route you will still have monthly out of pocket costs and if you have designed it yourself generally you have to do the entire site testing yourself. So it may be best if you are not incredibly website savvy that you go with a website designer.

Not all websites are created equal nor are all website designers good or bad. They pretty much run the gamut just like any other business does. And cheap website design is a business just like any others. When you decide that you want to go the website design by someone else then you have to choose which website designer to go with. This type of business has to advertise just like any other business. And one of the best ways that this type of business can advertise is with its own website.

Once you do a search for website designers on the internet you will have loads of different companies come up and you can go about the different websites seeing how they respond. If the website has been created by the design company it then that website that you are navigating will be similar to what they will produce for you.

Of course you have to take into consideration that not every website is the same and has the same purpose. But a web design site should be in the business of selling their work so in fact it is a sales site. If it is a sales site then it will also have payment methods on it. It should have the same sort of payment methods that you will want on your website if your website is for the purpose of selling something. So again go to these websites and see for yourself just how easy it is to use their website.

If the site has links on it click on some of those links and see how fast they take you to the linked site. See how they have screened the sites that are linked to their site. It will give you a real example of what they will do for you. Naturally if they are designing your own website they will be getting your personal input as to design and function that they will incorporate into the website they are designing for you so it will be a different website and not a clone.

Top 5 Mistakes of Website Design

Huge Mistake #1: Creating a Website with Flash -- Did you know in a recent study, top internet marketers discovered that having a website created with Flash, actually decreased the response from prospects and customers by as much as 370 percent?

Here's why: Your prospects and customers are most likely visiting your website using all types of different computers, connection speeds and internet configuration settings...
What may look great to one visitor may not even appear for another! You could very easily have shelled out hundreds or even thousands of dollars to have a website created using the Flash technology, only to find out that some of your visitors will never see it! (Not to mention the loading times can cause your visitor to close your site, never to return again.)

Huge Mistake #2: The "Internet Catalog" Approach -- You see this everywhere. Good, honest and hardworking businessmen and women get online to sell their products or services, and have a site created for them that contains a link to just about everything they offer on one page. Their thinking goes along the lines of, "...well, I don't want to leave anyone out. If they come to my site, I want to make sure I have what they're looking for..." -- This way of thinking could not be further from the truth.
Here's why: There's an ancient rule that goes back to the very beginning of direct-marketing on the internet, taught by the richest, most legendary and well-respected internet marketers of all time...
"When you give your prospects too many choices, they become confused and aren't sure what to do next. Confused people never buy anything."

Huge Mistake #3: Optimizing Your Sales Site for the Search Engines -- You'll see this taught in nearly every "internet marketing" course, manual or eBook out there... "You must optimize every page of your website for the search engines!" -- In fact, this false teaching is accepted as 'gospel truth' so often that most web designers will offer to do this for you at no, or little extra cost...
What they don't understand is that certain words and phrases must be either re-worded (to make it "keyword rich") or taken out completely, just to be looked upon highly by the mighty search engines -- and this could kill your sales, literally overnight.

Here's why: When you or a hired web designer optimize your sales page (i.e. any web page designed to sell your products and services) to get a higher listing in the search engines, you're going to have to sacrifice the pulling-power of your sales copy (i.e. written sales material) just to get those higher listings. Sure, this can bring you more traffic -- but what good is all the traffic in the world, if your visitors arrive at your website and aren't compelled enough to read why they should order your product?

For years, it has been taught that you should always try to find a "balance" of SEO (Search-Engine-Optimization) mixed with promotional copy designed to sell your products and services...
Wrong Again! -- The truth is that you should never optimize your sales page for the Search Engines. Instead, you should create tiny "entry pages" for each keyword related to your product or service, (highly optimized for the Search Engines) and have them link to your main sales site! (We can show you exactly how to do this quickly and easily and get *massive* targeted traffic from the Search Engines - without ever *touching* your sales site!)

Huge Mistake #4: Having a "Graphics-Based" Website -- Sure, graphics can certainly help us to visualize a particular situation or circumstance, product or service... But did you know that having a graphically-driven website can actually distract your visitor away from your sales message?
After all, your sales message (or "web copy") is The #-1 most important factor in a website that makes money. If your visitors are paying more attention to your "professional graphics" than your sales message... you've just lost another sale.

Here's why: You've got approximately seven seconds from the time your visitor arrives at your site, to the time they decide whether to buy your product, get more information or leave. If you've got a graphically-intensive website, your website will most likely still be loading past your seven-second time limit.
That's a "customer-killer" in and of itself - however, the real reason lies within the fact that the bigger, brighter and more beautiful your graphics are, the more they will distract your visitor from your sales message. And if your visitor is distracted even for one second, it could mean the difference between getting a sale, and losing a customer.

Huge Mistake #5: Designing a Website with Zero Marketing Experience -- Most web designers have no idea how to make money on the internet, with anything other than their web design services. It's not their fault - they simply have no or very little marketing and sales experience. After all, they're just website designers...

However, having your website design by someone with Zero internet marketing experience is like buying a street-car without an engine... it won't go anywhere, and it'll just waste your time and money!

Sunday 10 June 2012

High end web design and professional web design company

Touch Website Solutions is an established website design company that offers you a variety of web styles and web growth solutions. It provides you with high end web style solutions for variety of companies and sectors and even if you are an individual, you are welcome to seek the services of the assistance here. You will be similarly fulfilled once obtaining the assistance. They use the most advanced technology to create highly expert and eye-catching website such as web database integration techniques and cost-effective web style that are personalized to fit in your specifications and wishes.

The organization utilizes only professional and certified web developers that generate top quality products and hence their customers are quite fulfilled. The main objective of this web style organization is to provide cost and time effective alternatives along with implementing contemporary web and contemporary methods. At Touch Website Solutions, they mainly signify principles and objective and they style their customer's website with the impact of focusing on the viewers that is the guests that come to the website. Their styles are cost-effective, simple to use, fast and readily available and so it allows to generate more and more traffic and gradually business too instantly.

This web style organization utilizes only best and expert web developers so that their clients are offered with excellent web style solutions at affordable cost as well. They have the ideal encounter and understanding of how to make and make any web page efficiently and successfully at the same time make it more eye-catching and practical for the guests and the Web clients. If you are preparing to release a new web page or upgrade your current one, you can take the help of Contact Website Alternatives and you will discover that you have contacted a organization that is the best remedy and the work done will be very valuable for you and your business as well.

Touch website Solutions is a professional web design organization that provides broad range of personalized web styles also like web style for property. Your website for property business needs to be designed by extremely specific developer and you will find that they are very affordable and at the same time simple to use too. This company aims to offer their customers with more eye-catching and easily moving websites at relatively less price. The attention of this organization is to offer comfort to the Web customers.

Moreover to all the above features you get more benefits once you get associated with Get in touch with Touch Website Solutions because they have lot more to provide. They make use of the state-of-the-art cms and help you make good seo articles for your site. This seo strategy will help your site appear on the top position of the yahoo and google and this has great effect on visitors generation to your site which will results in company development. Now you can make your own website and they works on your site exposure so that you are confident of the achievements of your site and company as well. Even after the perform is done, you can contact them at any time to ask for any type of further assistance.

Friday 8 June 2012

10 High Quality Photoshop Web Design Tutorials

Photoshop is considered one of the leaders in photo editing software. The software is particularly popular amongst professional photographers. The software allows users to manipulate, crop, resize, and correct color on digital photos.With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 20 of the latest Photoshop tutorials for designing websites. The end results produced by these tutorials are great looking designs, but keep in mind that it’s not meant for you to reproduce an exact copy and use it as your own.

How to Create a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design in Photoshop

web design tutorials

Create a Gnarly Snowboarding Themed Web Design

web design tutorials

How To Create a Clean and Colorful Web Layout

web design tutorials

Web Design Layout 11

web design tutorials

Web Design Layout 14

web design tutorials

Create a Clean and Classy Web Design in Photoshop

web design tutorials

Awesome Portfolio Design

web design tutorials

RocknRolla Blog Design

web design tutorials

How to Create a Unique WordPress Theme

web design tutorials

Design a Beautiful Website From Scratch

web design tutorials
Hope this post may help you. For more update on Website design and development tutorials please stay with us we will update it soon.

Monday 14 May 2012

How to create a website step by step

If you are planing to get involved into an internet business, one of the first things you should think about is how to advertise it easily. Website design and creations shows to be the best remedy in this regard. However, you should originally decide what resources to use in order to create a site.
There are three basic steps  to build a great website:

1. Buy a domain name

The domain name is the address of the website. For example, to find our web site, you should visit our domain: This is a domain name and it is unique on the internet. The domain is purchased through a company called Namecheap for at least one year.
Benefits of having your Own Domain Name
  • Gives a more professional image
  • Easier for people to find
  • You can move the name to another ISP if you no longer want us to host it for you
  • You can keep the name for years to come
  • Better position in some search engine listings
  • Easier to get your site registered with search engines
2. Create hosting account

After the purchase of the domain, then you need company that provides you with a server to host the files of your web page. The files of your web page, text, images, video clips etc., are released to the Online via a server. A monthly or yearly fee is required in order to host these files on that server. The Hosting server may be located anywhere in the world it may be in US, UK, Australia, India etc. Having the appropriate sign in details from your host, you access the hosting account and can "upload" files to the server from where they will by released online.

3. Platform selection for creating your website

There are two primary techniques to develop your website. If you know coding and particularly value , you can develop a website from the begining. If you don't know value, you don't have to fear about this since  there are many available free and easy to use web page contractors to "build" your web page quickly.

The most popular and suggested website designer for developing sites is WordPress foundation as it provides an endless potential through the applications that can be set up (plugins), while being very friendly to google.

WordPress Foundation can be set up on your website through your web host consideration at Hostgator with one click on via your user interface. Just check out your user interface, select fantastico -> wordpress -> new set up. Of course WordPress platform is offered to all for no cost. You can read here the full details on How To create a wordpress theme  from scratch: or if you want to increase your business by creating a great and eye-catching web design then feel free to contact best website design and development Company like Touch Website Solutions.

Friday 11 May 2012

Want to Grow your Ecommerce business - Look for website design services

In this fast speed world each of them is in rush either it may be with regards to buy or may be with regards to their day these days action. Each want to achieve their said process as soon as possible, here same is applicable for buy of product on the internet. Sites seems to be entrance to success. A best web page should be one which attracts the interest of clients at a look. Due to progression of on the internet and web permitted cellular phones each of them are now willing to make buy just by a click on. This is made possible by on the internet web. So looking to this ever increasing pattern each business should get a well outfitted and eye-catching web page to take the interest of on the internet surfers.

All this Company can help you to keep your web page modified as per most recent pattern and software. They even look whether your web page are look for website optimization helpful as well as customers are able to get around easily through your web page. Apart from that they even have qualified web design professionals along with authors who can provide you with look for engine-optimized content. Website design Company can offer you a personalized web page styles which will attract your business product.

All this company has adequate of knowledge in terms of web designers, developer and look for web page optimization experts who can guide you with each and every aspect of your web development requirement. A developer may include display in your web page to create them look more attractive to the end users whereas a look for web page expert may create those program look for engine-optimized by putting most important content outside of the program. Thus your web page will become not less than a miracle stick for your business by generating required leads for you.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Rules to Follow When Designing an Ideal Logo

Analysis: Whenever designer wish to design the organization company logo he or she should do some research of organization record, concepts, business, customers etc. This gives a smart idea about how the organization company logo should show you. Keep in thoughts the exactly what organization logo has to express. Basically it should express idea about the organization. So if you are creating an business organization logo for particular products considers about the targeted customers.

Flexibility: Your design of company logo with appropriate website design framework should be flexible enough to work in any scenario. Item wrappers, web page, marketing articles etc is should fit to every incident. So when you design the company company logo large cooperation should accommodate different experience on which the company company logo will be use. So designer should plan for future. Its dimension should be such that is should fit everywhere.  

Fonts: One of the most key elements is the choice of font which sometimes is skipped so choose the web site that are set up & understand. Any classification font will make analyzing difficult.

Eye Catching: Your symbol should be eye-catching with fantastic font so analysis the things quickly. Colour framework should be eye-catching & prevent any false impression about its items.

Simplicity: People will always be motivated to easy pictures than complicated designs since the obvious and easy to understand & keep in mind. A complicated design will definitely sketch the guests.

Colors: Next thing in symbol is large cooperation company logo should not look bad due to wrong shade cooperation. So select your shade cooperation very properly.So an outstanding symbol should have capability to take a position out in the viewers. An affected symbol will error the consumer ideas if the above aspects are kept in ideas then developing an outstanding company logo will be easy.

Create Balance: Stability is important in emblem because our thoughts normally understand a healthy style as being attractive and attractive. Keep your logo healthy by maintaining the “weight” of the design, colours, and size equivalent on each side.Though the guideline of balance can sometimes be damaged, remember that your logo will be considered by the public, not just those with an eye for great art, so a healthy style is the most secure strategy.

Monday 23 April 2012

Hire Web designers and Developers from Offshore IT Service Providers

Growing impact of information & technology in the company community is creating new avenues for overseas IT organizations. Web development organizations have explored various different methods of offering IT solutions according to demand of market. One of the popular methods of offering IT solutions to company community is supply of skilled designers on hire basis in various development languages for outsourcing organizations of community.
Web designers from website design organizations are available on hire base for web design, database integration, software progression, E-commerce sites and other web related solutions. There are various factors of interpreting advantages of selecting overseas web designers. Greatest benefits of selecting overseas designers is customized solutions in cheap price; comparatively selecting local designers is costly.
Web designers are available on the foundation various development dialects prevailing in the web market for progression of sites and other IT tools to use in the company. Offshore web design organizations are providing web designers in various categories according to expertise in core development dialects, all advance versions of development dialects and various free development dialects.
Offshore web progression organizations are providing wide variety designers for selecting purpose such as selecting PHP designers, selecting ASP.NET designers, selecting Dark red on rails designers, selecting flash designers, selecting coffee designers, selecting web page designers and selecting cold combination designers. Outsourcing firms have number of options in selecting designers according to their company demands as experts are available individually as well as team of experts is also a good benefits of selecting.

Benefits of selecting designers from IT support offering companies
  • Variety of alternatives in low price
  • Most essential client service and specialized assistance
  • Scalability according to expansion of the project
  • Professional support for using the IT resources in the online market
Preventative evaluate points before selecting developers

  • Check and evaluate cost should be according to quality of alternatives by the developer
  • Check the past efficiency of creator, his academic qualifications and take appointment to find out interaction abilities.
  • Check his industry knowledge
  • Degree of scalability of support provider
  • Conclusively selecting idea is existing all over the world due to its several benefits in low cost as well as wide range of IT alternatives. Unique business sectors are using web alternatives provided by the companies in personalized way.